Nationalise all UK Owned Land, Property and Business
The Russians nationalised everything in a heartbeat- so can we.
The French called “To arms, citizens!” and then stormed the bastille.
The Americans threw our tea in the sea and then declared their independence.
Yes we can!
We can do anything!!
By voting for the Restitution Party, you’re voting for nationalising, breaking up and re-privatising. Therefore, at the same instant that the Restitution Party wins a general election: everything will be automatically nationalised by implied repeal.
The Romans knew they couldn’t feed all of the Christians to the lions. Any ruling party knows they can’t put all of the people in prison.
Anyone knows that when the people organise: there’s no force in the world that can stop them!
“Come writers and critics
Who prophesize with your pen
And keep your eyes wide
The chance won't come again
And don't speak too soon
For the wheel's still in spin
And there's no tellin' who
That it's namin'
For the loser now
Will be later to win
For the times they are a-changin' “
(Bob Dylan)
Break up any Oversized UK Owned Land, Property and Business
“No society can surely be flourishing and happy, of which the far greater part of the members are poor and miserable.” (Adam Smith)
Business Oversize Threshold
The Business Oversize Threshold will be set to limit the size of all businesses in each industry. This will make large businesses trade with small businesses. It will be set according to: turnover, assets, tax, salary, the number of business properties, or the number of workers.
Let us have a look at how we’ll break up BP…
UK Owned Shares
UK owned shares will be used to requisition oil rigs to the same value as the shares. An asset based Business Oversize Threshold will be set to 1 for these oil rigs. This means a new company will open up for each UK owned oil rig.
A Business Property Deed will be issued to each former manager, supervisor and senior engineer of the oil rig. These new oil rig owners will now own the licence for the oil field below the oil rig and they will therefore be selling the oil. To prevent any excess profit, a tax based Business Oversize Threshold will be set.
Foreign Owned Shares
All shares which are owned by foreign people will remain owned by foreign people and can be sold to anyone.
Employment Agencies
Employment agencies will have a zero Business Oversize Threshold based on workers. This is because they do not benefit the worker.
Therefore, a new catering company will open to fill the coffee machine in the offshore canteen. It will be opened up by a former agency worker, with other former agency workers as its employees.
Now let’s have a look at how we’ll break up Tesco…
UK Owned Property
All UK owned property will be nationalised into the National Property Pool. A Business Property Deed will be issued to each Tesco store manager who works at a UK owned store. This new business property owner will resign from his job at Tesco.
The business property owner can now use alternative suppliers for his products if he wants to. For example, the local farmer may back his tractor up to the roller shutter door with a box of carrots from the field next to the supermarket. Tesco can always supply to the store if they want to and so can any other supplier. This full competition will drive our economy.
Because other suppliers can now compete in the store, Tesco will pay rent to the business property owner as a percentage of shelf space. This percentage of rent will include the bills and the management fee…
Each month the building property owner will send an invoice to his new customer: Tesco. This is the management fee for the running of the Tesco percentage of his store. This fee will be charged at the corresponding percentage of his former salary.
The business property owner can now employ his own workers. The workers can move across to the new company at the start, or as they wish as the new company grows.
The minimum wage will be locked-in at the current rate. This will be to stop the labour rate being driven down because workers will no longer have to pay rent or mortgages.
Foreign Owned Property
All foreign owed property will continue to be owned by foreigners and can be sold to anyone.
Land Oversize Threshold
A Business Property Deed will be issued to every tenant farmer who will now own the farm and the land around it. UK owned business property can be sold to anyone.
He will also be issued with a Property Stake Deed which means he also owns the residential part of his farm.
Foreign Owned Land
All foreign owed land will remain owed by foreigners and can be sold to anyone.
Re-privatise all UK Owned Land, Property and Business
“Man did not enter into society to become worse than he was before, nor to have fewer rights than he had before, but to have those rights better secured.” (Tom Paine)
Property Stake
A Property Stake is a room, apartment, or house which is owned by the person living in it. A Property Stake Deed will be issued to each person in the UK at the age of 16. It can be used to buy a room, apartment, or a house anywhere in the UK.
For example, a young woman may want to live in central London, she would have to wait a long time until a little room becomes available to buy with her Property Stake. On the other hand, if she wanted to live in the middle of no-where, a large house may be available to buy immediately.
A Property Stake can be added to with cash to buy a luxury house.
Where a person works away from home during the week, they can stay in a hotel and go back to their Property Stake at the weekend.
A Property Stake can be used for business, or for residential use as the owner so desires. Therefore, DIY stores and greengrocers will be springing up in people’s garages and front rooms.
Where people leave a house, the remaining people will retain the whole house as their Property Stake. For example, children growing up and leaving home, or servants leaving to start a new life.
When a room, apartment or house is vacated, it will be sold back to the National Property Pool in the same condition of upkeep.
A Property Stake cannot be sold for cash as people could sell it, spend their money abroad, come back home and then have nowhere to live.
The Economy
Our economy is a bigger version of our household. It will continue to circulate, just as it does now to fulfil the demand of the people living in it. We are a thriving nation of industrious and innovative people. Raw materials come in one end and Rolls Royce jet engines go out of the other. Full competition will drive our economy and develop our future.
Business Tax
All business taxes will be locked-in at the current rates. This will reassure the world markets that the UK is open for business as usual. We will be re-organising our internal affairs, while continuing to trade as normal.
Personal Tax
All personal taxes will be locked-in at their current rates. Workers will have more disposable income to drive the economy because they will no longer have to pay rent or mortgages. This means more tax money will be raised at the current rates. This tax money will be used to pay off the national debt and then fill the National Grain Store…
The Grain Store
The Egyptians had a national grain store to get them through the hard times. When the hard times of Covid came, our government had to borrow over 400bn to keep our economy going.
After we repossess our wealth, the remainder of each household’s income will go into their Grain Store. Like the Egyptians, this will enable each household to survive the next hard time.
We will lock-in the current arrangements and policies with the Ministry of Defence regarding world issues. This includes the nuclear deterrent. We will restructure our country internally, while maintaining our current defence policies.
Foreign Relations
We’re privileged to have strong friendships with our European trading partners, with America and with many other countries around the world. Our current foreign policies will be locked-in as they are now.
Now that you’ve finished reading this instruction manual for the revolution: what you gonna to do about it? Eh?? Are you going to keep on carrying that fat man on your back? Or are you going to vote for the Restitution Party and repossess your wealth?
“You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one”
(John Lennon)
© 2025 David John Thompson, Last edited: 04/03/25